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Enter your nation name below and create your own nation wiki!

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Note: Feel free to copy/paste Templateville's source to your appropriate wiki and edited it to fit your nation. Don't forget to save! Ask any admin for help if you are having troubles.

Wielding the Quill

In these wiki pages, you hold the quill to write the saga of your people. Perhaps your nation is a beacon of technological marvels, a cultural melting pot, or an economic powerhouse. Whatever its essence, share it with the server community and immortalize your contributions to our collective narrative.

Node Tiers

Welcome to the Tier System of Grimur, where each level represents a milestone in your journey to create and enhance your Nation. Just follow the Node Tier Guidelines

The Nations of GrimurRP:

nations.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/16 13:20 by neferure